VENDX Payment Register
Delight your suppliers
VENDX payment register module addresses the most vital concern of suppliers by providing real-time visibility to payments, outstanding invoices, the status of every invoice & the ledger thereby eliminating extensive internal coordination between finance & purchase & eliminating unnecessary interaction with suppliers for feedbacks on payments & invoice status thereby ensuring huge satisfaction to the suppliers.
Typical challenges of an organization in the context of suppliers’ payments & invoices
- Extensive coordination with the finance department.
- Immense wastage of time to respond to repetitive follow–ups from suppliers to know status of payment & invoices
- Lack of instant visibility on suppliers’ outstanding invoices.
- Non–timely action to clear invoices for payment.
- Challenge in Account Reconciliation & getting balance confirmation.
Key Benefits of VENDX Payment Register
- Huge Savings of time due to the elimination of unnecessary coordination with finance and suppliers.
- Superior supplier satisfaction leading to improved services & competitive offering.
- Better compliance due to ease of meeting statutory needs.
Typical challenges of an organization in the context of suppliers’ payments & invoices
- Extensive coordination with the finance department.
- Immense wastage of time to respond to repetitive follow–ups from suppliers to know status of payment & invoices
- Lack of instant visibility on suppliers’ outstanding invoices.
- Non–timely action to clear invoices for payment.
- Challenge in Account Reconciliation & getting balance confirmation.
Key Benefits of VENDX Payment Register
- Huge Savings of time due to the elimination of unnecessary coordination with finance and suppliers.
- Superior supplier satisfaction leading to improved services & competitive offering.
- Better compliance due to ease of meeting statutory needs.
Case Studies
Digitization Success Stories
Read about challenges we addressed for our customers and the benefits accrued by them